
Organization: Lexden Montessori
Contact: lexdenmontessori AT googlemail DOT com
5 Oxford Road, Colchester, Essex, CO3 3HN
License:Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0
Officer:Gaynor Sloan, Siobhan Brine



Children benefit from being taken out of the setting to go on visits or trips to local parks or other suitable venues for activities which enhance their learning experiences. Some settings do not have direct access to outdoor provision on their premises and will need to take children out daily. Staff in our setting ensure that there are procedures to keep children safe on outings; all staff and volunteers are aware of and follow the procedures below.

Different types of outings take place and each will require slightly different preparations and staffing levels. These include:


A child joins

Parents sign a general consent on registration stating that their child can be taken on outings as a part of the daily activities of The Setting.

Risk assessments

  • There is a risk assessment for each venue carried out, which is reviewed regularly.
  • A risk assessment is carried out before an outing takes place.
  • All venue risk assessments are made available for parents to see.

General outing procedure

At least two staff are assigned for the outing. Of these, an outing leader is assigned. The outing leader then:

  1. assigns each child to a supervising staff member.
  2. ensures the staff have access to the following equipment (as appropriate for the venue, number of children, and expected duration of the outing):
    • the child and staff emergency cards for those going on the outing
    • a mobile phone
    • a full First-Aid pack
    • tissues, wipes, pants etc
    • snacks and water
  3. records known details in the Outing Register.
  4. sets out on the outing.
  5. when returning from the trip, records any further details in the Outing Register.

A visit (major outing)

Parents are asked to sign specific consent forms before major outings.

The visit plan for intended educational visits must include the following:

  • risk assessment
  • report on preliminary visit
  • applications for approval of visit
  • general information
  • names, ages, contact details, permission forms, medical records and other relevant details of all those going on the visit
  • travel schedule
  • full plan of activities
  • fire precautions and evacuation procedures
  • intended arrangements for supervision
  • insurance arrangements for all members of the group
  • emergency contacts and procedures
  • general communications information
  • guidance for managers
  • guidance for the emergency contact and managers
  • medical questionnaire returns
  • first-aid boxes, inhalers and Epi-pens if needed

Visits to farms

  • Before a visit to a farm a risk assessment is carried out -- this may take account of safety factors listed in the farm’s own risk assessment which should be viewed.
  • The outings procedure is followed.
  • Children wash their hands after contact with animals.
  • Outdoor footwear worn to visit farms are cleaned of mud and debris and should not be worn indoors.

Operational procedures for outings

The same standard of care and interaction with the children is expected of staff, volunteers and students on outings. The worker’s prime responsibility on outings is to ensure the safety of the children. However they will expected to balance this responsibility with ensuring that children have the maximum opportunity to experience and explore new environments, to socialise and to have fun.

Communication with parents

The parents of children taking part in an off-site activity should be provided with all appropriate information about the intended visit. Parents must give their permission in writing before a child can be involved in any off-site activities.

Funding for off-site activities is provided mainly by parental contributions. This must be made clear to parents in all correspondence about an educational visit at the planning stage.

Further health and safety considerations

All adults accompanying a party must be made aware, by the managers, of the emergency procedures which will apply. Each adult should be provided with an emergency telephone number. This will normally be the managers' numbers.

Before a party leaves the nursery managers will provided a list of everyone, children and adults, travelling with the party, together with a programme and timetable for the activity.

The safety of the party, and especially the children, is of paramount importance. During the activity the managers must take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that safety. This involves taking note of any information provided by medical registration forms, and ensuring that children are both safe and well looked after at all times.


Outing Register

A book kept in the setting stating:

  • The venue
  • The mode of transport to the venue, detailing named drivers and appropriate insurance cover
  • Names of staff assigned to named children
  • The date and time of leaving The Setting
  • The date and time of returning to The Setting

External documents

Further reading

  • Register and Outings Record, Pre-school Learning Alliance (2006)
  • Risk Management in Early Years Settings, Pre-school Learning Alliance (2007)